ASFS Statement and Code of Conduct
Date: 10 December 2024
In light of further revelations in the case of the allegations made by Erin Cairns’ against ASFS member Oghenechovwe Donald Ekpeki, the specific allegations of appropriation and non-disclosure have been investigated by a third party and no longer stand, and a public retraction has been made for one of the claims.*
As an urgent response, we have now published a new Code of Conduct with information on how to report and follow up on unethical behaviour. The Code of Conduct is available in full on our website here.
In light of the aforementioned, Oghenechovwe Donald Ekpeki remains a member of ASFS. Any past and further complaints will be reviewed against our Code of Conduct once submitted as they will be for any ASFS member.
This situation has underscored the urgent need for all writer organizations, and especially us at the ASFS, to invest in education around commercial publishing, copyright and best practice, marketing, and the use of social media. In response to this, we will be programming a range of workshops over the coming year to empower our members, and we look forward to partner with other similar organizations to support these aims.
* This refers to the specific claim of being editor of an anthology.
Supporting Links:
ASFS Statement on Member Code of Conduct published in 29 October 2024